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I want to delete photos I have received in Hangouts, but I can't find them anywhere!  Help!
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6 Answers

Best answer
Every Hangout has a special photo album that you can access through Picasa Web Albums ( ) or Google+ Photos (if you use Google+).

You will not be able to delete a photo shared by someone else in a Hangout chat – they would have to delete that image themselves.

If you downloaded the Hangouts image to your computer or phone, you should be able to find and delete it in the Downloads folder.

You can also read more here:
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This is such a non answer. The answer is you cannot delete an individual message/photo sent. You can delete the entire hangouts/SMS thread but not individual messages. Google should add this feature immediately. They get all hung up on the whole "well it won't delete for everyone else in the thread!" I don't care I want to delete it from MY phone, so I don't have to see it on MY phone. Leave it everywhere else for all I care. My wife recently texted me some photos from her iphone and she wanted me to delete all of them. I was shocked to find out that I couldn't delete individual messages. As a programmer myself, I just find this lazy programming plain and simple.
This is THE answer mr programmer.  OP did NOT specify "i want to delete single entries within a thread".

Carry on
Nor does it say I want to delete ALL the photos.
Agree - Google add this feature to delete a photo from hangouts please.
LoL its easy to delete you can't do it on hangout but you can just login your Google account and delete it from the gallery. They have an album for each person you been talking to. It's actually very tidy. You can see the photo's you shared with the specific person since the beginning of them and go wild with the deletion. You want to delete single photo sure just gotta do a click or 2. Want to delete the whole album also simple just delete it. All pics you've shared would be gone.
i want to delete those photos from her galery as well as she is misusing them. is it possible?
I want to delete photos i have sent in hangouts

how can i do that ???
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Have you deleted them from your device?
how can i do that
Meaning from your Gallery or Google Photos
how to delete the pictures on my hangouts which i have sent to some one
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How to delete a photo which is sent on hangouts
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Hangout chats and photos can't be deleted. If u want to delete it you will have to clear chats from setting.
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you can delete chats...
This is so seriously lame. I have photos I want to delete off my phone and for one, having to click every single one and also click delete and then click to confirm you MUST be joking. Google needs to get it together. (so you can delete some??? lol) Cuz I don't see one a friend sent me so I can only delete the images I send? This is so annoying. Going to start looking for another text app cuz I'm truly over google now. And the fact that you cant delete anything within hangouts is absurd. I feel your pain guys, I really do.

So yeah, looks like you can delete "some" images from the google album archive but even that is super fking lame. :/
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Kinda brutal, I agree!

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