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in Hangouts General by (19.2k points)
I accidentally deleted a conversation in Hangouts, can I get it back?

3 Answers

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by (19.2k points)
Best answer
If a message is deleted, not archived, it is deleted for good.  There are some things you can try!

1. Check your GMail chats folder to see if you maybe have a backup of the conversation. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#chats

2. You can ask the other party to check the same if they dont still have the conversation history.  If they do, they can copy/paste/email it to you.

3. Double check to make sure you didnt Archive the conversation as well!

Good luck!
I want to DELETE my hangouts!!!!
I deleted my hangout chats also on Gmail chats already, and the other party also deleted the chats... and I didn't archive my conversation....

Then... there are no way to recover the hangout chats ???
by (19.2k points)
If you tried the options above, there is no way to recover the chats in your situation if youve tried all the suggested options
1 like 1 dislike
Plz all deleted messages and photo backup this I'd I want recovery all important thing  help to backup all thing
by (19.2k points)
yes - although im not entirely sure what you are asking.... or telling
Plz help me backup all the important thing like message photo etc
Accidentally deleted all the important thing which attached in my hangouts chatting  so plz recover everything as soon as possible
by (19.2k points)
if things were "deleted" they are most likely deleted... how did you delete them?
Accidentally deleted all messages & photo  so plz help to recover all important  thing of my hangouts I'd
by (19.2k points)
@prmaila kc:

if things were "deleted" they are most likely deleted... how did you delete them?
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I delet my text
by (19.2k points)
great!  Did you need help with something?
I didn't realized I turn of my history setting in Hangout and now I want to retrieve it.  Is it possible?
by (19.2k points)
unless the other party in the conversation has a backup, then on - it is not possible