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in Hangouts Chrome App by (220 points)
Can I change google hangouts wallpaper/image that comes up when I make a call from my computer from airplanes and birds?

2 Answers

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by (19.2k points)
Best answer
Hey there,

That background image cannot be controlled by user
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by (140 points)

you can change the wallpaper/image that comes up when you make a call from your computer from airplanes and birds. You can either choose from a selection of pre-uploaded backgrounds, or you can upload your own image.

To change the wallpaper, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Meet.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Settings".
  4. Click on "Video".
  5. Under "Background", you can choose from a selection of pre-uploaded backgrounds, or you can click on "Upload a background image" to upload your own image.

Once you have selected a background, click on "Save".

Here are the steps on how to upload your own image as a background:

  1. Make sure that your image is in a supported format, such as JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
  2. The image should be at least 1280x720 pixels in size.
  3. Save the image to your computer.
  4. Follow the steps above to open Google Meet and go to your settings.
  5. Click on "Video".
  6. Under "Background", click on "Upload a background image".
  7. Select the image that you saved to your computer.
  8. Click on "Save".